About this course
Module 1
- ✓ Introduction to Java
- ✓ Why you must learn Java
- ✓ What is a Programming Language
- ✓ What is an Algorithm
- ✓ What is Syntax
- ✓ History of Java
- ✓ About Byte Code
- ✓ How Java Changed the Internet
- ✓ Java Buzzwords
Module 2
- ✓ Installing JDK
- ✓ First Class using Text Editor
- ✓ Compiling and Running
- ✓ Anatomy of a Class
- ✓ File Extensions
- ✓ JDK vs JVM vs JRE
- ✓ Showing Output
- ✓ Importance of the main method
- ✓ Installing IDE(Intellij Idea)
Module 3
- ✓ Data Types, Variables & Input
- ✓ Variables
- ✓ Data Types
- ✓ Naming Conventions
- ✓ Literals
- ✓ Keywords
- ✓ Escape Sequences
- ✓ User Input
- ✓ Type Conversion and Casting
Module 4
- ✓ Operators, If-else, Number System
- ✓ Assignment Operator
- ✓ Arithmetic Operators
- ✓ Order of Operation
- ✓ Shorthand Operators
- ✓ Unary Operators
- ✓ If-else
- ✓ Relational Operators
- ✓ Logical Operators
- ✓ Operator Precedence
- ✓ Intro to Number System
- ✓ Intro to Bitwise Operators
Module 5
- ✓ While Loop, Methods & Arrays
- ✓ Comments
- ✓ While Loop
- ✓ Methods
- ✓ Return statement
- ✓ Arguments
- ✓ Arrays
- ✓ 2D Arrays
Module 6
- ✓ Classes & Objects
- ✓ Process vs Object Oriented
- ✓ Instance Variables and Methods
- ✓ Declaring and Using Objects
- ✓ Class vs Object
- ✓ This & Static Keyword
- ✓ Constructors & Code Blocks
- ✓ Stack vs Heap Memory
- ✓ Primitive vs Reference Types
- ✓ Variable Scopes
- ✓ Garbage Collection & Finalize
Module 7
- ✓ Control Statements, Math & String
- ✓ Ternary operator
- ✓ Switch
- ✓ Loops (Do-while, For, For each)
- ✓ Using break & continue
- ✓ Recursion
- ✓ Random Numbers & Math class
- ✓ toString Method
- ✓ String class
- ✓ StringBuffer vs StringBuilder
- ✓ Final keyword
Module 8
- ✓ Encapsulation & Inheritance
- ✓ Intro to OOPs Principle
- ✓ What is Encapsulation
- ✓ Import & Packages
- ✓ Access Modifiers
- ✓ Getter and Setter
- ✓ What is Inheritance
- ✓ Types of Inheritance
- ✓ Object class
- ✓ Equals and Hash Code
- ✓ Nested and Inner Classes
Module 9
- ✓ Abstraction and Polymorphism
- ✓ What is Abstraction
- ✓ Abstract Keyword
- ✓ Interfaces
- ✓ What is Polymorphism
- ✓ References and Objects
- ✓ Method / Constructor Overloading
- ✓ Super Keyword
- ✓ Method / Constructor Overriding
- ✓ Final keyword revisited
- ✓ Pass by Value vs Pass by reference
Module 10
- ✓ Exception & File Handling
- ✓ What is an Exception
- ✓ Try-Catch
- ✓ Types of Exception
- ✓ Throw and Throws
- ✓ Finally Block
- ✓ Custom Exceptions
- ✓ File Writer class
- ✓ File Reader class
Module 11
- ✓ Collections & Generics
- ✓ Variable Arguments
- ✓ Wrapper Classes & Autoboxing
- ✓ Collections Library
- ✓ List Interface
- ✓ Queue Interface
- ✓ Set Interface
- ✓ Collections Class
- ✓ Map Interface
- ✓ Enums
- ✓ Generics & Diamond Operators
Module 12
- ✓ Multithreading & Executor Service
- ✓ Intro to Multi-threading
- ✓ Creating a Thread
- ✓ States of a Thread
- ✓ Thread Priority
- ✓ Join Method
- ✓ Synchronize keyword
- ✓ Thread Communication
- ✓ Intro to Executor Service
- ✓ Multiple Threads with Executor
- ✓ Returning Futures
Module 13
- ✓ Functional Programming
- ✓ What is Functional Programming
- ✓ Lambda Expression
- ✓ What is a Stream
- ✓ Filtering & Reducing
- ✓ Functional Interfaces
- ✓ Method References
- ✓ Functional vs Structural Programming
- ✓ Optional Class
- ✓ Intermediate vs Terminal Operations
- ✓ Max, Min, Collect to List
- ✓ Sort, Distinct, Map
I have zero coding background, can i learn java ?
Absolutely YES , even if you are a beginner with no prior coding knowledge at all, this course makes sure you master the java language once you complete the course.
Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the course?
Yes , you’ll be awarded with the certificate after completing the course.
What topics will be covered in this course?
The course covers a range of topics including but not limited to Java syntax, data structures, object-oriented programming, and application development.
Who are the instructors for the Java live course?
Our Java live course is taught by experienced instructors with expertise in Java programming and education.
Is there any doubt support available after the live sessions?
Yes, you’ll have access to a dedicated doubt support team available 24/7 to address any queries or concerns outside of live sessions.
Can I access the course materials after the live sessions?
Yes, course materials including recordings of live sessions, lecture notes, and additional resources will be available for participants to access even after the live sessions conclude.
What if I miss a live session?
Don't worry! Recordings of all live sessions will be made available on the dashboard for you to access at your convenience. You also have the doubt support available instantly whenever you need, Remember
Comments (3)
Arisha Sengupa
20 Nov 2023 | 15:32
The Core Java course provided a solid foundation in Java programming, covering key concepts and syntax
18 Nov 2023 | 16:30
It is a part of the Java programming language that one can use for developing or creating a general-purpose app.
Module 1: Introduction to java
2 Parts
- 3:00 Hr
Session 1: Introduction to Programming
- ✓ Introduction to Java
- ✓ Why you must learn Java
- ✓ What is a Programming Language
- ✓ What is an Algorithm
- ✓ What is Syntax
- ✓ History of Java
- ✓ About Byte Code
- ✓ How Java Changed the Internet
- ✓ Java Buzzwords
1:30 Hours
Session 2: About JDK, JVM & JRE
- ✓ Installing JDK
- ✓ First Class using Text Editor
- ✓ Compiling and Running
- ✓ Anatomy of a Class
- ✓ File Extensions
- ✓ JDK vs JVM vs JRE
- ✓ Showing Output
- ✓ Importance of the main method
- ✓ Installing IDE (Intellij Idea)
1:30 Hours
Module 2: Basics of Java
7 Parts
- 10:30 Hr
Session 3: Data types, Literals & Comment
- ✓ Primitive data type
- ✓ Non primitive data type
- ✓ Literals
- ✓ Comment
1:30 Hours
Session 4: Variables & Keywords
- ✓ Variables
- ✓ Naming Conventions
- ✓ Keywords
1:30 Hours
Session 5: Input/Output & Escape Sequence
- ✓ User Input
- ✓ User Output
- ✓ Escape Sequences
1:30 Hours
Session 6: Type conversion & Type casting
- ✓ Type Conversion
- ✓ Type Casting
1:30 Hours
Session 7: Operators in C++
1:30 Hours
Session 8: Control Statement (If-else statement)
- ✓ If statement
- ✓ If-else statement
- ✓ If-else-if statement
- ✓ Switch statement
1:30 Hours
Session 9: Control statement (Loop statement)
- ✓ For loop
- ✓ While loop
- ✓ Do-while loop
- ✓ Break & continue keyword
1:30 Hours
Module 3: Arrays in Java
2 Parts
- 3:00 Hr
Session 10: Introduction to Array
- ✓ Arrays syntax
- ✓ Arrays class
- ✓ Declaring & using arrays
- ✓ Size of an array
- ✓ Array of characters
- ✓ Memory allocation of array
1:30 Hours
Session 11: Multidimensional array
- ✓ Multidimensional arrays
- ✓ Declaring & using of 2D array
- ✓ Size of any 2D array
1:30 Hours
Module 4: Strings, StringBuilder & String Buffer
3 Parts
- 4:30 Hr
Session 12: Introduction to string
- ✓ Strings in java
- ✓ String class
- ✓ Declaring & using of string
1:30 Hours
Session 13: Introduction to StringBuilder
- ✓ Syntax of StringBuilder class
- ✓ Memory allocation
- ✓ String vs StringBuilder
1:30 Hours
Session 14: Introduction to String Buffer
- ✓ Syntax of String Buffer class
- ✓ Memory allocation
- ✓ String vs StringBuilder vs String Buffer
1:30 Hours
Module 5: Functions in Java
2 Parts
- 3:00 Hr
Session 15: Introduction to Functions (part 1)
- ✓ Function syntax
- ✓ Return statement in function
- ✓ Parameters in function
- ✓ Arguments in function
- ✓ Lambda expression
1:30 Hours
Session 16: Functions (part 2)
- ✓ Call by value & Call by reference
- ✓ Function overloading concept
- ✓ Overloading with different parameters
1:30 Hours
Module 6: Object oriented programming
5 Parts
- 7:30 Hr
Session 17: Basics of Oops concept (part 1)
- ✓ Classes & Objects
- ✓ Process vs Object Oriented
- ✓ Instance Variables and Methods
- ✓ Declaring and Using Objects
- ✓ Nested and Inner Classes
1:30 Hours
Session 18: Basics of Oops concept (part 2)
- ✓ This & Static Keyword
- ✓ Constructors & Code Blocks
- ✓ Stack vs Heap Memory
- ✓ Garbage Collection & Finalize
- ✓ Getter and Setter
1:30 Hours
Session 19: Encapsulation & Abstraction in Java
- ✓ Encapsulation Concept
- ✓ Abstraction Concept
- ✓ Interfaces
- ✓ Difference btw Encapsulation & Abstraction
1:30 Hours
Session 20: Polymorphism in Java
- ✓ Polymorphism concept
- ✓ Function/Method overriding
- ✓ Function/Method overloading
- ✓ Constructor overloading
- ✓ Super keyword
1:30 Hours
Session 21: Inheritance in Java
- ✓ Inheritance & its access
- ✓ Types of Inheritance
- ✓ Single Inheritance
- ✓ Multiple Inheritance
- ✓ Hierarchical Inheritance
- ✓ Hybrid inheritance
1:30 Hours
Module 7: Exception & File Handing
1 Parts
- 1:30 Hr
Session 22: File Handling concept
- ✓ Exception & File Handling
- ✓ What is an Exception
- ✓ Try-Catch
- ✓ Types of Exception
- ✓ Throw and Throws
- ✓ Finally Block
- ✓ Custom Exceptions
- ✓ File Writer class
- ✓ File Reader class
1:30 Hours
Module 8: Advance Concepts in Java
4 Parts
- 6:00 Hr
Session 23: Generics & Interface
- ✓ Collections & Generics
- ✓ Generics & Diamond Operators
- ✓ List Interface
- ✓ Queue Interface
- ✓ Functional Interface
- ✓ Set Interface
- ✓ Variable Arguments
1:30 Hours
Session 24: Wrapper classes & Collections
- ✓ Wrapper Classes & Autoboxing
- ✓ Collections Library
- ✓ Collections Class
- ✓ Map Interface
- ✓ Enums
1:30 Hours
Session 25: Introduction to Multi-threading
- ✓ Intro to Multi-threading
- ✓ Multithreading & Executor Service
- ✓ Creating a Thread
- ✓ States of a Thread
- ✓ Thread Priority
- ✓ Join Method
- ✓ Synchronize keyword
- ✓ Thread Communication
- ✓ Intro to Executor Service
- ✓ Multiple Threads with Executor
- ✓ Returning Futures
1:30 Hours
Session 26: Functional Programming
- ✓ Functional Programming
- ✓ What is Functional Programming
- ✓ Lambda Expression
- ✓ What is a Stream
- ✓ Filtering & Reducing
- ✓ Method References
- ✓ Optional Class
- ✓ Intermediate vs Terminal Operations
- ✓ Max, Min, Collect to List
- ✓ Sort, Distinct, Map
1:30 Hours
41 Reviews
Reviews (41)
17 Nov 2023 | 19:08
excellent Core Java course! Concise, well-structured content with practical examples. Instructors provide clear explanations, making complex concepts easy to understand. Ideal for beginners and a great refresher for those looking to solidify their Java skills. Highly recommended!
Asim Riaz
28 Nov 2023 | 11:15
Fantastic course and amazing teacher's. Teacher's is not just teaching a subject; he is shaping young minds and helping students develop a deep understanding of the material. His impact extends far beyond the classroom.
28 Nov 2023 | 15:31
nice and helpful course. Core Java for developing various server-based applications and website applications
Pradeep kumar
28 Nov 2023 | 16:26
great course for today learner's
Reyansh Gupta
29 Nov 2023 | 16:04
The Core Java course provided a solid foundation for Java programming. Realistic examples and hands-on exercises made complex concepts easy to grasp. A concise yet comprehensive learning experience for anyone looking to master core Java skills
Ananya Dave
29 Nov 2023 | 16:55
Excellent Core Java course! Clear explanations, hands-on coding. Perfect for beginners, could dive deeper for advanced learners. Solid start for mastering Java basics
Krishna patel
4 Dec 2023 | 15:04
Core Java course was excellent! Clear explanations, practical examples, and a solid foundation for Java development. Highly recommend for beginners and those looking to strengthen their Java skills
Zara Khanna
23 Dec 2023 | 17:04
Core Java course was fantastic! Clear explanations, practical exercises, and a solid foundation for Java development. Highly recommend for anyone looking to kickstart their programming journey
Zain Ahmed
8 Dec 2023 | 13:10
helpful course amazing content very well assignments
Veer Thakkar
18 Nov 2023 | 15:07
The course incorporates interactive elements, such as quizzes and assessments, fostering engagement and reinforcing key concepts throughout the learning journey.
Saisha Mehra
1 Dec 2023 | 11:26
completed Core Java on QualifyEd.in - incredible course! The real-world examples and lifetime access make it a top choice. Highly recommend
Krish Khanna
29 Dec 2023 | 12:30
QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course is a game changer! Having finished it, I can confidently say it's the best investment for anyone serious about Java programming. Kudos
Anika Reddy
3 Dec 2023 | 15:33
Impressed by QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course! The practical exercises made a huge difference to my understanding. great value for money
Aaryan Sinha
8 Dec 2023 | 17:35
Thumbs up to QualifyEd.in! The Core Java course is not just informative but also practical. I'm now confident in my Java skills, all thanks to this amazing course
Siya Verma
28 Dec 2023 | 11:37
I just wanted to share my positive experience with QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course. Detailed modules and interactive sessions make learning Java easy
Arjun Ahuja
22 Aug 2023 | 11:39
Many congratulations to QualifyEd.in! Completed the Core Java course and couldn't be happier. The course structure and continuous support are commendable. Very good
Arisha Sengupa
26 Dec 2023 | 11:41
QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course is a gem! As someone who has completed this, I appreciate the clear explanations, real-world applications, and accessible format
Reyansh Iyer
9 Dec 2023 | 17:43
Hats off to QualifyEd.in for the Core Java course! The step-by-step learning process and practical projects were just what I needed. Thank you
Anaya Rao
13 Dec 2023 | 13:44
Just finished QualifyEd.in 's Core Java course, and I'm thoroughly impressed. The course material is comprehensive, and the support team is quick to help. Great experience
Arnav Saxena
13 Dec 2023 | 11:46
Congratulation to QualifyEd.in! The Core Java course is worth every penny. The practical projects and engaging content kept me engaged the entire time. highly recommended
Aditi Thakur
16 Dec 2023 | 21:47
QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course is a winner! Completed this recently, and the depth of the material along with the practical exercises has made a significant impact on my Java skills
Arjun Srinivasan
20 Dec 2023 | 10:49
QualifyEd.in! The Core Java course exceeded my expectations. I appreciate the practical approach and the continuous support. A must for Java enthusiasts
Kiyaan Menon
22 Dec 2023 | 20:44
Completed the Core Java course on QualifyEd.in, and it's fantastic! Clear explanations and practical examples make learning Java enjoyable and effective
Aaradhya Bansal
23 Dec 2023 | 20:45
QualifyEd.in, you nailed it with the Core Java course! The hands-on experience and comprehensive content make it an excellent choice for anyone learning Java
Ishani Varma
23 Dec 2023 | 18:53
Thoroughly enjoyed the Core Java course on QualifyEd.in! The course is well-structured, and the support team is incredibly helpful. Great job
Aryan Kapoor
23 Dec 2023 | 21:55
A big thank you to QualifyEd.in! The Core Java course is outstanding - practical, insightful, and perfect for building strong Java programming skills.
Anvi Rastogi
27 Dec 2023 | 14:56
Completed QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course, and it was worth every moment! Engaging content and practical exercises make this an invaluable resource for Java learners
Yashvi Gupta
13 Nov 2023 | 11:58
QualifyEd.in, you've got a winner with the Core Java course! the real world applications and the ability to revisit the material are game changers. great learning experience
Advay Joshi
17 Nov 2023 | 11:59
Shoutout to QualifyEd.in for the amazing Core Java course! The course structure and the hands-on projects have immensely improved my Java programming skills
Anvi Reddy
22 Nov 2023 | 12:02
QualifyEd.in's Core Java course is a must try! As someone who has gone through it, I can attest to its effectiveness. Practical, comprehensive and user friendly
Yuvraj Rao
23 Nov 2023 | 12:05
Recently finished QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course, and I'm genuinely impressed. The real-world applications and interactive learning approach set it apart. Two thumbs up
Anvi Gupta
29 Nov 2023 | 12:07
QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course is a hidden gem! Completing it not only increased my confidence in Java but also opened doors to new opportunities.
Vivaan Menon
2 Dec 2023 | 12:09
Huge appreciation for QualifyEd.in' s Core Java course! The detailed explanations and hands-on exercises make it an excellent choice for both beginners and intermediate learners
Ira Malhotra
4 Dec 2023 | 12:13
Just wrapped up the Core Java course from QualifyEd.in. The course design and accessible content make it a top-notch learning experience. Couldn't be happier with my choice
Rian Patel
7 Dec 2023 | 12:14
Many thanks to QualifyEd.in! The Core Java course is a great resource for building a strong foundation in Java. The step-by-step guidance is incredibly valuable
Zara Joshi
12 Sep 2023 | 12:16
QualifyEd.in is core Java course, and it's a game-changer! Real-world examples and ongoing support make the learning journey seamless and enjoyable
Aarusha Nair
11 Dec 2023 | 12:18
QualifyEd.in Core Java course is a must-enroll! I appreciate the well-structured modules, making complex Java concepts easy to grasp. A worthwhile investment in my skills
Virat Kapoor
20 Dec 2023 | 12:24
QualifyEd.in is the core Java course! Comprehensive curriculum, interactive sessions and real-world applications make it exceptional in online learning
Prisha Sharma
28 Aug 2023 | 12:26
QualifyEd.in's Core Java course is a winner! As someone who has recently completed it, I can vouch for its effectiveness in imparting practical Java programming skills.
Kiaan Shetty
14 Dec 2023 | 13:01
QualifyEd.in, you nailed it with the Core Java course! The depth of content, coupled with the practical exercises, makes it an ideal choice for anyone serious about mastering Java
Shaan Kulkarni
24 Dec 2023 | 13:04
Hats off to QualifyEd.in for an incredible Core Java course! Well-organized content and ongoing support make it a valuable resource for honing Java programming skills.
appreciate the clear explanations on data types, variables, and control flow structures