About this course
A full-stack Java developer is a professional who is proficient in both the front-end and back-end development of web applications using Java technologies. This means they are capable of working on both the client-side (user interface) and server-side (backend logic and database) aspects of web development. Here's an overview of the components and technologies involved in the full-stack Java development:
Front-End Development:
- HTML/CSS: These are the foundational technologies for creating the structure and styling of web pages.
- JavaScript: The primary scripting language for adding interactivity to web pages. It's commonly used in conjunction with frameworks and libraries to create dynamic user interfaces.
- Front-End Frameworks/Libraries: Full-stack Java developers might use frameworks like Angular, React, or Vue.js to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
Back-End Development:
- Java: The primary programming language used on the server-side. Java is known for its robustness, scalability, and widespread use in enterprise applications.
- Java EE (Enterprise Edition) / Jakarta EE: A collection of specifications and APIs that extend Java SE (Standard Edition) for building enterprise-level applications. It includes features like Servlets, JSP (JavaServer Pages), EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans), JPA (Java Persistence API), etc.
- Spring Framework: A popular Java framework that provides a comprehensive platform for building Java applications. It simplifies various aspects of development, including dependency injection, data access, security, and more. Spring Boot, a part of the Spring ecosystem, is widely used for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring applications.
- Database Management: Full-stack Java developers often work with databases to store and retrieve data. Common databases used with Java include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and MongoDB.
- ORM (Object-Relational Mapping): Technologies like JPA and Hibernate are used to map Java objects to relational database tables, making it easier to interact with databases using Java code.
- RESTful APIs: Creating APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that follow the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) is a common approach for communication between the front-end and back-end of web applications.
Tools and DevOps:
- Build Tools: Maven and Gradle are popular build automation tools for managing project dependencies and building Java applications.
- Version Control: Git is commonly used for version control, allowing developers to collaborate on code and track changes.
- IDE (Integrated Development Environment): IntelliJ IDEA and Eclipse are popular Java IDEs that provide tools for coding, debugging, and deploying Java applications.
- Deployment: Java applications are often deployed to application servers like Apache Tomcat, WildFly (formerly JBoss), or cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure.
- Authentication and Authorization: Java developers implement security measures to control user access to certain parts of an application using technologies like Spring Security.
- Data Encryption: Secure transmission of sensitive data is ensured through encryption protocols like HTTPS.
- Input Validation: To prevent attacks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting, input validation and sanitization techniques are employed.
A full-stack Java developer should have a strong understanding of both front-end and back-end technologies, as well as the ability to integrate them to create seamless, functional web applications. Additionally, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and advancements in the Java ecosystem is crucial for delivering modern and efficient solutions.
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- Basics of Internet
- About version control
- Git & GitHub commands
- Basics of Text editor and its setup
- Bean Factory and application Context
- Container Concepts
- Spring Data JPA Template
- Introduction to STS
- Di with STS
- Security, Role-based Authentication, OAuth2, Token based authentication
- Deploying a simple servlet in a Servlet Container (Tomcat)
- Life cycle of a Servlet
- Servlet interface
- Servlet Request Interface
- Servlet Response Interface
- Additional capabilities of HTTP Servlet
- Session tracking
- Servlet Programming with JDBC CRUD Operations
- Differences between Servlets and JSPs
- Running a simple JSP
- The JSP generated Servlet code
- JSP Implicit Objects
- JSP Syntax for Different JSP Elements
- Developing JSP Beans
- Session Factory, Session, Transaction
- Performing CRUD Operations with XML
- Performing CRUD Operations with Annotations
- Different ID Generation Strategies
- Hibernate with Inheritance
- Data types
- Table, Record, Field
- SQL Queries,
- Database Normalization
- Joins, Sub Queries
- DDL Commands
- Different types of JDBC Drivers
- Driver Manager
- Establishing a connection with the database
- Creating and executing SQL Statements
- Working with Callable Statement
- Introduction to Java
- Why you must learn Java
- What is a Programming Language
- What is an Algorithm
- What is Syntax
- History of Java
- About Byte Code
- How Java Changed the Internet
- Java Buzzwords
- Installing JDK
- First Class using Text Editor
- Compiling and Running
- Anatomy of a Class
- File Extensions
- JDK vs JVM vs JRE
- Showing Output
- Importance of the main method
- Installing IDE (Intellij Idea)
- Installing JDK
- First Class using Text Editor
- Compiling and Running
- Anatomy of a Class
- File Extensions
- JDK vs JVM vs JRE
- Showing Output
- Importance of the main method
- Installing IDE (Intellij Idea)
- Primitive data type
- Non primitive data type
- Literals
- Comment
- Variables
- Naming Conventions
- Keywords
- User Input
- User Output
- Escape Sequences
- Type Conversion
- Type Casting
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Bitwise Operators
- Ternary Operators
- Unary Operators
- Relational operators
- Order of operation
- Shorthand operators
- If statement
- If-else statement
- If-else-if statement
- Switch statement
- For loop
- While loop
- Do-while loop
- Break & continue keyword
- Arrays syntax
- Arrays class
- Declaring & using arrays
- Size of an array
- Array of characters
- Memory allocation of array
- Multidimensional arrays
- Declaring & using of 2D array
- Size of any 2D array
- Strings in java
- String class
- Declaring & using of string
- Syntax of StringBuilder class
- Memory allocation
- String vs StringBuilder
- Syntax of String Buffer class
- Memory allocation
- String vs StringBuilder vs String Buffer
- Function syntax
- Return statement in function
- Parameters in function
- Arguments in function
- Lambda expression
- Call by value & Call by reference
- Function overloading concept
- Overloading with different parameters
- Classes & Objects
- Process vs Object Oriented
- Instance Variables and Methods
- Declaring and Using Objects
- Nested and Inner Classes
- This & Static Keyword
- Constructors & Code Blocks
- Stack vs Heap Memory
- Garbage Collection & Finalize
- Getter and Setter
- Encapsulation Concept
- Abstraction Concept
- Interfaces
- Difference btw Encapsulation & Abstraction
- Polymorphism concept
- Function/Method overriding
- Function/Method overloading
- Constructor overloading
- Super keyword
- Inheritance & its access
- Types of Inheritance
- Single Inheritance
- Multiple Inheritance
- Hierarchical Inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance
- Exception & File Handling
- What is an Exception
- Try-Catch
- Types of Exception
- Throw and Throws
- Finally Block
- Custom Exceptions
- File Writer class
- File Reader class
- Collections & Generics
- Generics & Diamond Operators
- List Interface
- Queue Interface
- Functional Interface
- Set Interface
- Variable Arguments
- Wrapper Classes & Autoboxing
- Collections Library
- Collections Class
- Map Interface
- Enums
- Intro to Multi-threading
- Multithreading & Executor Service
- Creating a Thread
- States of a Thread
- Thread Priority
- Join Method
- Synchronize keyword
- Thread Communication
- Intro to Executor Service
- Multiple Threads with Executor
- Returning Futures
- Functional Programming
- What is Functional Programming
- Lambda Expression
- What is a Stream
- Filtering & Reducing
- Method References
- Optional Class
- Intermediate vs Terminal Operations
- Max, Min, Collect to List
- Sort, Distinct, Map
- Using String class
- Using java.lang package
- Working with Data & Time
- Utility framework
- Collection framework
- I/O framework
- Introduction to jQuery
- jQuery Syntax
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Events
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery HTML
- jQuery Traversing
- jQuery AJAX & Misc
- History of JavaScript
- JavaScript vs EcmaScript
- How javascript works
- Write first program in JS
- Variables in JS
- Difference btw Var, Let, Const
- String Indexing & its methods
- Template Strings
- About Null, undefined, BigInt, typeof
- Booleans & Comparison Operator
- Truthy & Falsy values
- If-else, if-elseif-else statement
- Nested if-else condition
- Ternary Operator
- && || operator
- For Loop concept
- While loop
- Do while loop
- For of loop
- For in loop
- Switch statement
- Break & Continue keyword
- Intro to arrays
- Push, pop, shift, unshift
- Primitive vs reference data types
- Clone array & spread operator
- Loop concept in array
- Array Destructuring
- Array methods
- Foreach, Map, Filter, Reduce method
- Sort, Find, Every, Some method
- Fill & splice method
- Iterables, Sets, Maps
- Functions in JS
- Basics of function & its types
- Declaration, Expression & Arrow Function
- Hoisting concept
- Nested function
- Lexical scope, Block scope & function scope
- default & rest parameters
- parameter Destructuring
- function returning functions
- callback functions
- Oops concept in JS
- Methods, This keyword & window object
- Call, apply & bind methods
- Warnings
- Syntax for methods
- Difference btw __proto__[[prototype]] & prototype
- Use prototype
- New keyword
- Constructor function with new
- Class keyword
- Super keyword
- Method overriding
- Getters & Setters
- Static methods & properties
- Closures
- DOM Manipulation
- Async vs defer
- Dom tree, root node, element nodes, text nodes
- Element selector using id
- Query Selector
- textContent & InnerText
- change in styles of elements using JS
- get & set attributes
- multiple elements selection
- innerHTML
- classList
- add new elements to page
- create & insert adjacent elements
- clone nodes
- Methods to add elements on page
- Dimensions of the element
- Events concept
- Asynchronous JS
- SetTimeout()
- Callback queue
- setInterval
- Callbacks in Asynchronous programming
- Callback hell & pyramid of DOM
- Promise concept
- Network request concept
- Microtask queue
- Function returning promise
- Promise & Set time out
- Promise with async and Await
- Intro to Ajax, HTTP Request
- XHR requests & XHR chaining
- Error Handling in XHR requests
- Promisifying XHR requests
- Fetch API
- Error Handling in Fetch API
- Introduction of Bootstrap
- Bootstrap CDN & downloading process
- How to connect Bootstrap with html file
- Breakpoints, Containers
- Grid, columns & Classes
- Form control, select, check
- Radios, range, input group
- Floating labels, layout
- Validation
- Accordion
- Alerts, Badges
- Breadcrumb
- Button groups
- Buttons, Cards
- Carousel
- Close button
- Collapse, Dropdowns
- List group, Modal
- Navbar, Nav and tabs
- Off-canvas, Pagination
- Placeholders, Popovers
- Progress, Scrolls
- Spinners, Toasts
- Tooltips, Content
- Customize, Extend
- Forms, Helpers
- Layout, Migrations
- Ratio & Position
- API, Borders, flex
- Background, colors, display
- Float, interactions, overflow
- Shadows, sizing, spacing
- Text, alignment, visibility
- Icons
- Landing page & web pages
- Introduction to CSS
- CSS syntax
- How to add CSS in html
- CSS selectors
- CSS comments
- CSS colors
- CSS backgrounds
- Borders
- Height and width
- Margins
- Padding
- Model box
- Text
- Links
- Fonts
- Units
- Grid
- Flexbox
- Cursor
- Box shadow
- Opacity
- Filter
- Image sprites
- Gradients
- Overflow
- ! important
- Resizable
- Lists
- Tables
- Functions
- Box sizing
- Initial vs inherit
- Object fit-property
- Pseudo-classes
- Pseudo-elements
- Display and visibility
- Position
- Layers
- Z-index
- Float and clear
- 2D Transform
- 3D Transform
- Animations
- Print style
- Responsive web design
- Viewport meta tag
- Media queries
- Specificity
- Advance selector
- Multiple columns
- CSS - validations
- Tips for CSS
- Introduction to Html & its History
- Difference between Html 4 & Html 5
- Text editor & useful extension
- File extension & why we general use index.html
- Basic Structure of Html
- Doctype
- Elements & Attributes
- Indentation & Comments
- Headings & Paragraph
- Formatting, Quotation and citation
- Links, Email Links, Images & Marquee
- Ordered list
- Unordered list & Description list
- Table & Nested table
- Div & span
- I-frame
- Project 1
- Audio & Video
- Embed pdf, Embeed you tube video & Embed Google maps
- Html Entities, Html symbols Emojis in Html
- Semantic elements
- Image maps
- Forms, Form input, Form file upload, Form method
- Form Attributes, Text area & Image button
- Select option, Radio Button, Checkbox, Data list
- Label, Field-set and legends
- SEO Tags & Favicon
- Style in Head tag
- Script and no script
- Open graph and twitter card tag
- Viewport meta tag
- Right to left website
- Project 2
- W3c Html validation, Browser tools
- Writing html documents in Hindi
- Tips for html
- Void elements
- Website structure
- Website performance check up: understanding your site's ranking
- Hosting your website
- Basics of REST APIS
- Spring REST
- Micro Service Architecture
- Advantages with Micro Service over Monolithinc architecture
- Develop and Deploy Micro Service application in localhost
- Introduction to Service Discovery
- Client-Side Discovery pattern
- Server-Side Discovery pattern
- Load Balancing configuration