About this course
Welcome to QualifyEd's MERN Stack Development Course, your gateway to mastering one of the most powerful and versatile technology stacks used in modern web development. This course is designed for
aspiring developers who aim to build dynamic, responsive, and scalable web applications using MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js. Whether you're a novice coder or an experienced programmer looking to expand your skill set, this course will equip you with the knowledge and hands-on experience needed to
excel in the competitive world of web development.
Why Choose
Our MERN Stack Development Course?
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our curriculum is meticulously crafted by industry experts to provide
you with a thorough understanding of the MERN stack. You will learn how to
build full-stack web applications from the ground up, integrating each
component seamlessly to create a cohesive and efficient application.
Hands-On Projects: Theory is important, but practice makes perfect. Throughout the course,
you'll engage in a series of hands-on projects that simulate real-world
scenarios. These projects are designed to reinforce your learning and give you
practical experience with the MERN stack, ensuring you are job-ready upon
Expert Instructors: Our instructors are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in
web development. They bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the
classroom, providing personalized feedback and mentorship to help you overcome
challenges and excel in your projects.
Key Learning Outcomes: The course covers a wide array of essential topics and skills,
including but not limited to:
MongoDB: Learn how to design, query, and manage
NoSQL databases, using MongoDB for efficient data storage and retrieval.
Master the creation of robust, scalable backend services with Express.js,
and understand how to handle routing, middleware, and server-side logic.
React: Dive into building dynamic, interactive
user interfaces with React. You'll learn about component-based
architecture, state management, and hooks.
Node.js: Gain proficiency in building fast and
scalable server-side applications using Node.js, and understand how to
manage server resources effectively.
Real-World Applications: By the end of the course, you will have built several full-stack
applications that demonstrate your ability to integrate MongoDB, Express.js,
React, and Node.js into cohesive projects. These applications will serve as a
testament to your skills and can be showcased in your professional portfolio.
Career Advancement: Completing our MERN Stack Development Course will earn you a
certificate from QualifyEd, recognized by tech employers globally. Whether
you're seeking to jumpstart your career in web development or aiming to enhance
your current role, our course will provide you with the skills and confidence
to achieve your goals.
Flexible Learning: We offer a flexible learning environment that caters to your schedule.
Access course materials anytime, anywhere, and learn at your own pace with our
combination of live sessions, recorded lectures, and interactive assignments.
Join QualifyEd and embark on your journey to
becoming a proficient MERN stack developer. Enroll in our MERN Stack
Development Course today and take the first step towards building powerful web
applications. Your future in web development starts here!
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- ✓ Basics of Internet
- ✓ About version control
- ✓ Git & GitHub commands
- ✓ Basics of Text editor and its setup
- ✓ Introduction to Html & its History
- ✓ Difference between Html 4 & Html 5
- ✓ Text editor & useful extension
- ✓ File extension & why we general use index.html
- ✓ Basic Structure of Html
- ✓ Doctype
- ✓ Elements & Attributes
- ✓ Indentation & Comments
- ✓ Headings & Paragraph
- ✓ Formatting, Quotation and citation
- ✓ Links, Email Links, Images & Marquee
- ✓ Ordered list
- ✓ Unordered list & Description list
- ✓ Table & Nested table
- ✓ Div & span
- ✓ I-frame
- ✓ Audio & Video
- ✓ Embed pdf, Embeed you tube video & Embed Google maps
- ✓ Html Entities, Html symbols Emojis in Html
- ✓ Semantic elements
- ✓ Image maps
- ✓ Forms, Form input, Form file upload, Form method
- ✓ Form Attributes, Text area & Image button
- ✓ Select option, Radio Button, Checkbox, Data list
- ✓ Label, Field-set and legends
- ✓ SEO Tags & Favicon
- ✓ Style in Head tag
- ✓ Script and no script
- ✓ Open graph and twitter card tag
- ✓ Viewport meta tag
- ✓ Right to left website
- ✓ Project 2
- ✓ W3c Html validation, Browser tools
- ✓ Writing html documents in Hindi
- ✓ Tips for html
- ✓ Void elements
- ✓ Website structure
- ✓ Website performance check up: understanding your site's ranking
- ✓ Hosting your website
- ✓ Introduction to CSS
- ✓ CSS syntax
- ✓ How to add CSS in html
- ✓ CSS selectors
- ✓ CSS comments
- ✓ CSS colors
- ✓ CSS backgrounds
- ✓ Borders
- ✓ Height and width
- ✓ Margins
- ✓ Padding
- ✓ Model box
- ✓ Text
- ✓ Links
- ✓ Fonts
- ✓ Units
- ✓ Grid
- ✓ Flexbox
- ✓ Cursor
- ✓ Box shadow
- ✓ Opacity
- ✓ Filter
- ✓ Image sprites
- ✓ Gradients
- ✓ Overflow
- ✓ ! important
- ✓ Resizable
- ✓ Lists
- ✓ Tables
- ✓ Functions
- ✓ Box sizing
- ✓ Initial vs inherit
- ✓ Object fit-property
- ✓ Pseudo-classes
- ✓ Pseudo-elements
- ✓ Display and visibility
- ✓ Position
- ✓ Layers
- ✓ Z-index
- ✓ Float and clear
- ✓ 2D Transform
- ✓ 3D Transform
- ✓ Animations
- ✓ Print style
- ✓ Responsive web design
- ✓ Viewport meta tag
- ✓ Media queries
- ✓ Specificity
- ✓ Advance selector
- ✓ Multiple columns
- ✓ CSS - validations
- ✓ Tips for CSS
- ✓ Introduction of Bootstrap
- ✓ Bootstrap CDN & downloading process
- ✓ How to connect Bootstrap with html file
- ✓ Breakpoints, Containers
- ✓ Grid, columns & Classes
- ✓ Form control, select, check
- ✓ Radios, range, input group
- ✓ Floating labels, layout
- ✓ Validation
- ✓ Accordion
- ✓ Alerts, Badges
- ✓ Breadcrumb
- ✓ Button groups
- ✓ Buttons, Cards
- ✓ Carousel
- ✓ Close button
- ✓ Collapse, Dropdowns
- ✓ List group, Modal
- ✓ Navbar, Nav and tabs
- ✓ Off-canvas, Pagination
- ✓ Placeholders, Popovers
- ✓ Progress, Scrolls
- ✓ Spinners, Toasts
- ✓ Tooltips, Content
- ✓ Customize, Extend
- ✓ Forms, Helpers
- ✓ Layout, Migrations
- ✓ Ratio & Position
- ✓ API, Borders, flex
- ✓ Background, colors, display
- ✓ Float, interactions, overflow
- ✓ Shadows, sizing, spacing
- ✓ Text, alignment, visibility
- ✓ Icons
- ✓ Projects
- ✓ History of JavaScript
- ✓ JavaScript vs EcmaScript
- ✓ How javascript works
- ✓ Write first program in JS
- ✓ Variables in JS
- ✓ Difference btw Var, Let, Const
- ✓ String Indexing & its methods
- ✓ Template Strings
- ✓ About Null, undefined, BigInt, typeof
- ✓ Booleans & Comparison Operator
- ✓ Truthy & Falsy values
- ✓ If-else, if-elseif-else statement
- ✓ Nested if-else condition
- ✓ Ternary Operator
- ✓ && || operator
- ✓ For Loop concept
- ✓ While loop
- ✓ Do while loop
- ✓ For of loop
- ✓ For in loop
- ✓ Switch statement
- ✓ Break & Continue keyword
- ✓ Intro to arrays
- ✓ Push, pop, shift, unshift
- ✓ Primitive vs reference data types
- ✓ Clone array & spread operator
- ✓ Loop concept in array
- ✓ Array Destructurig
- ✓ Array methods
- ✓ Foreach, Map, Filter, Reduce method
- ✓ Sort, Find, Every, Some method
- ✓ Fill & splice method
- ✓ Iterables, Sets, Maps
- ✓ Functions in JS
- ✓ Basics of function & its types
- ✓ Declaration, Expression & Arrow Function
- ✓ Hoisting concept
- ✓ Nested function
- ✓ Lexical scope, Block scope & function scope
- ✓ default & rest parameters
- ✓ parameter Destructuring
- ✓ function returning functions
- ✓ callback functions
- ✓ Oops concept in JS
- ✓ Methods, This keyword & window object
- ✓ Call, apply & bind methods
- ✓ Warnings
- ✓ Syntax for methods
- ✓ Difference btw __proto__[[prototype]] & prototype
- ✓ Use prototype
- ✓ New keyword
- ✓ Constructor function with new
- ✓ Class keyword
- ✓ Super keyword
- ✓ Method overriding
- ✓ Getters & Setters
- ✓ Static methods & properties
- ✓ Closures
- ✓ DOM Manipulation
- ✓ Async vs defer
- ✓ Dom tree, root node, element nodes, text nodes
- ✓ Element selector using id
- ✓ Query Selector
- ✓ textContent & InnerText
- ✓ change in styles of elements using JS
- ✓ get & set attributes
- ✓ multiple elements selection
- ✓ innerHTML
- ✓ classList
- ✓ add new elements to page
- ✓ create & insert adjacent elements
- ✓ clone nodes
- ✓ Methods to add elements on page
- ✓ Dimensions of the element
- ✓ Events concept
- ✓ Asynchronous JS
- ✓ SetTimeout()
- ✓ Callback queue
- ✓ setInterval
- ✓ Callbacks in Asynchronous programming
- ✓ Callback hell & pyramid of DOM
- ✓ Promise concept
- ✓ Network request concept
- ✓ Microtask queue
- ✓ Function returning promise
- ✓ Promise & Set time out
- ✓ Promise with async and Await
- ✓ Intro to Ajax, HTTP Request
- ✓ XHR requests & XHR chaining
- ✓ Error Handling in XHR requests
- ✓ Promisifying XHR requests
- ✓ Fetch API
- ✓ Error Handling in Fetch API
- ✓ Introduction to jQuery
- ✓ jQuery Syntax
- ✓ jQuery Selectors
- ✓ jQuery Events
- ✓ jQuery Effects
- ✓ jQuery HTML
- ✓ jQuery Traversing
- ✓ jQuery AJAX & Misc
- ✓ History of React
- ✓ Key Benefits of React
- ✓ React development environment
- ✓ Creating your first React Application
- ✓ React Source code structure
- ✓ Introduction to JSX
- ✓ Coding in JSX
- ✓ Expressions in JSX
- ✓ Working with HTML
- ✓ Conditional Constructs
- ✓ Why Components?
- ✓ Writing JSX code in components
- ✓ Adding CSS
- ✓ Populating Data Dynamically
- ✓ Passing data through "props"
- ✓ Multiple Components
- ✓ Introduction to Events
- ✓ Event Handlers
- ✓ Working with state
- ✓ Data Binding
- ✓ Controlled and Uncontrolled Components
- ✓ Rendering lists of data
- ✓ Using stateful list
- ✓ Keys in data
- ✓ Conditional Contents
- ✓ Adding dynamic styles
- ✓ Understanding error message
- ✓ Code flow and warnings
- ✓ Breakpoints
- ✓ Using React Dev Tools
- ✓ About Class based Components
- ✓ Adding first Class based component
- ✓ Working with states and events
- ✓ Component Life cycle and in action
- ✓ Class based vs functional component
- ✓ Introduction to HTTP
- ✓ Methods in HTTP
- ✓ Response code in HTTP
- ✓ Introduction to REST interfaces
- ✓ Characteristics of REST
- ✓ Introduction to JSON
- ✓ JSON data representation
- ✓ GET request
- ✓ Using async and await
- ✓ Handling Http errors
- ✓ useEffects()
- ✓ POST request
- ✓ What are custom hooks?
- ✓ Creating and using custom hooks
- ✓ Custom HTTP hooks
- ✓ Introduction to Forms
- ✓ Working with user input and submission
- ✓ Adding validation
- ✓ Working with custom hooks
- ✓ Introduction to Single Page Applications
- ✓ What is Routing?
- ✓ Why Routing?
- ✓ Installing react router
- ✓ Defining and using routes
- ✓ Working with links
- ✓ Dynamic routes with Params
- ✓ Nested routes
- ✓ Redirecting the user
- ✓ Working with query Param
- ✓ Sending and getting data via HTTP
- ✓ What is authentication?
- ✓ Why and How?
- ✓ Authentication tokens
- ✓ Setting up
- ✓ Adding signup
- ✓ Showing feedback to the user
- ✓ Adding User login
- ✓ Managing authstate with context
- ✓ Using tokens
- ✓ Redirecting the user
- ✓ Adding logout
- ✓ Protecting frontend pages
- ✓ Persisting User authentication status
- ✓ Adding auto logout
- ✓ Installing MongoDB
- ✓ Connecting to MongoDB
- ✓ Schemas
- ✓ Models
- ✓ Saving a Document
- ✓ Querying Documents
- ✓ Comparison Query Operators
- ✓ Logical Query Operators
- ✓ Regular Expressions
- ✓ Counting
- ✓ Pagination
- ✓ Updating Documents- Query First
- ✓ Updating a Document- Update First
- ✓ Removing Documents
- ✓ Validation
- ✓ Built-In Validators
- ✓ Custom Validators
- ✓ Async Validators
- ✓ Validation Errors
- ✓ Schema Type Options
- ✓ Population
- ✓ Embedding Documents
- ✓ Using an Array of Sub-documents
- ✓ Transactions
- ✓ Object ID
- ✓ Validating Object IDs
- ✓ Introduction of Authentication & Authorization
- ✓ Creating the User Model
- ✓ Registering Users
- ✓ Using Lo-dash
- ✓ Hashing Passwords
- ✓ Authenticating Users
- ✓ Testing the Authentication
- ✓ JSON Web Tokens
- ✓ Generating Authentication Tokens
- ✓ Storing Secrets in Environment Variables
- ✓ Setting Response Headers
- ✓ Encapsulating Logic in Mongoose Models
- ✓ Authorization Middleware
- ✓ Protecting Routes
- ✓ Getting the Current User
- ✓ Logging Out Users
- ✓ Role Based Authorization
- ✓ Testing the Authorization
- ✓ What is Node
- ✓ Node Architecture
- ✓ How Node Works
- ✓ Installing Node
- ✓ Your First Node Program
- ✓ Event Loop
- ✓ Introduction
- ✓ Global Object
- ✓ Modules
- ✓ Creating a Module
- ✓ Loading a Module
- ✓ Module Wrapper Function
- ✓ Path Module
- ✓ OS Module
- ✓ File System Module
- ✓ Events Module
- ✓ Event Arguments
- ✓ Extending Event Emitter
- ✓ HTTP Module
- ✓ Introduction
- ✓ json
- ✓ Installing a Node Package
- ✓ Using a Package
- ✓ Package Dependencies
- ✓ NPM Packages and Source Control
- ✓ Semantic Versioning
- ✓ Listing the Installed Packages
- ✓ Viewing Registry Info for a Package
- ✓ Installing a Specific Version of a Package
- ✓ Updating Local Packages
- ✓ Dev Dependencies
- ✓ Uninstalling a Package
- ✓ Working with Global Packages
- ✓ Publishing a Package
- ✓ Updating a Published Package
- ✓ Introduction
- ✓ RESTful Services
- ✓ Introducing Express
- ✓ Building Your First Web Server
- ✓ Nodemon
- ✓ Environment Variables
- ✓ Route Parameters
- ✓ Handling HTTP GET Requests
- ✓ Handling HTTP POST Requests
- ✓ Calling Endpoints Using Postman
- ✓ Input Validation
- ✓ Handling HTTP PUT Requests
- ✓ Handling HTTP Delete Requests
- ✓ Middleware
- ✓ Creating Custom Middleware
- ✓ Built-In Middleware
- ✓ Third-party Middleware
- ✓ Environments
- ✓ Configuration
- ✓ Debugging
- ✓ Introduction
- ✓ Deployment steps
- ✓ Adding lazy loading
- ✓ Building the code for production
- ✓ Getting started with deployment
- ✓ Handling routes and finishing deployment